Previous Trainings and Events - 2019
Rebirthing Breathwork Training - Sierraville, California, USA
June 21-30, 2019​
This educational and experiential course is for all those who wish to excel in their professional Rebirthing practice and for those new to Rebirthing Breathwork. You will be given the tools and foundation to establish or expand your personal breathwork practice, while you also create a living relationship with the elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire. This Training is very thorough and is aimed at both new and experienced Rebirthing Breathwork practitioners.
More at:
9-Day Rebirthing Breathwork Training - Israel
August 9-17, 2019 - with Heike Strombach and Ori Halevi
Training with Rebirthing Breathwork and the Five Elements
Nine days of deepening into your most profound essence
In-depth training for seekers and therapists to become familiar with energetic breathing as taught by the founder of Rebirthing Breathwork, Leonard Orr
Contact: More at: 9-Day Training
Breath & Life Mastery (Level I) - Samothraki Island, Greece
August 31 - September 19, 2019 - with Katia Boustani
This intensive Breathwork Training is guaranteed to change your life. Each module will include Rebirthing Sessions and Creative Exercises to take you deep within yourself and discover your most profound Truths. You will also be taught ways and given tools to overcome and discover the negative decisions/ thought patterns you made at each age and be empowered to change them and create the life of your dreams. You will learn to master your own power.
Contact: More at:
7-Day Rebirthing Breathwork Training - Asheville, NC, USA
September 20-26, 2019 - with Elvi Orr and Akhi Devi
In each RBI 7-Day Breathwork Training in Asheville, NC, you will have the opportunity to:
Have up to five individual, guided, therapeutic breathwork sessions, using conscious connected breathing.
Take six profound seminars related to healing and empowerment, designed to deepen your knowledge of breathwork practices and spiritual psychology, for your own personal growth, and for the benefit of your clients.
Contact: More at: @Asheville RBI
Immersive Rebirthing Breathwork Training - Catalonia, Spain
November 2-10, 2019
Breath Masters Irene Jove Baumann, Heike Strombach and Katia Boustani have designed this training for you to get the maximum benefit from each Rebirthing Breath Master, who will individually share and demonstrate their techniques, knowledge and years of experience in Rebirthing Breathwork. It’s time to gain real info about moving forward with your practice from 3 masters who have an accumulated 80 years of experience in Rebirthing Breathwork between them!
Contact: More at:
La 1era Cumbre Virtual Hispana “El Poder de Tu Respiración"
Noviembre 5-12, 2019
La Comunidad Hispana en Mexico, Latinoamerica y España se unen a la Celebración de La Vida. La cual se celebra en tres continentes es ahora también un gran homenaje al maestro y amigo Leonard Orr y su legado. Puedes ver mas abajo los avances en el link de la pagina y conocer más acerca de este maravilloso evento. Toma HOY el Poder de tú Respiración y comienza a cambiar tu vida. Regístrate con tu mejor dirección de correo-e y se de los primeros en disfrutar estos beneficios totalmente gratis.
Celebration of Life - Leonard D. Orr - Asheville, NC, USA
November 15-16, 2019
Warmly inviting you to the Celebration of Life gathering to honor the life and work of beloved spiritual teacher and author Leonard Orr.
The event will be held on Friday, November 15th (Leonard’s 82nd birthday) and Saturday, 16th at Veritas Lodge, on the beautiful land of Herb Mountain Farm. The program begins on Friday at 11 a.m. We also encourage breathwork communities worldwide to organize their own events of celebration! read more
Previous Trainings and Events - 2020
7, 14 & 21-Day Rebirthing Breathwork Trainings - Asheville, NC
with Leonard Orr trained Rebirthing Breathwork Trainers: Elvi Orr and Akhi Devi
January 3-23, 2020 - February 7-16, 2020
These are small trainings, designed to meet your individual needs, whether you are participating for you own healing, or training as a professional Rebirthing Breathworker.
You will have your own individual, guided, therapeutic breathwork sessions, using conscious connected breathing. Be present at other's sessions, and give sessions with supervision, if you are training as a Rebirthing Breathworker.
Experience profound seminars related to healing and empowerment, designed to deepen your knowledge of breathwork practices and spiritual psychology, for your own personal growth, and for the benefit of your clients.
Contact: More at: @Asheville RBI
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